
In order to use efficiently the financial means allocated to cover the needs of procurement of goods, works and services in order to ensure the service activity at the appropriate level of the State University of Moldova, a working group was created for the procurement of goods, services and works according to order no. 07 of 17.01.2020.

The working group fulfills its obligations for procurement in accordance with Law no.131 from 03.07.2015 on public procurement (Official Monitor No. 424-429) and with the provisions of the Regulation regarding the activity of the procurement working group, approved by Government Decision no. .667 of May 27, 2016 (Official Monitor No.150).


  • concretizes the need to purchase goods, works and services for the USM, coordinating them with the planned financial means, jointly with the members of the financial aspect working group;
  • elaborates the procurement plan and ensures its fulfillment;
  • ensures the preparation and submission for publication of the notice of intention regarding the planned acquisitions and the publication of announcements regarding the organization of public auctions and competitions by requesting price offers in the Public Procurement Bulletin, as necessary;
  • coordinates the initiation of the procurement procedure (based on the requests addressed to the USM management regarding the procurement necessity), the technical and quantitative parameters of the procurement object;
  • ensures the preparation of tender documents and other tender documents;
  • ensures the signing by the entire working group for procurement of the declaration of confidentiality and impartiality;
  • participates in the evaluation of tenders by submitting rigorous proposals;
  • examines offers confidentially and does not disclose information regarding the evaluation and comparison of offers from persons not officially involved in these procedures or to the bidders;
  • ensures the preparation and keeping of public procurement contracts and files;
  • covers contracts, reports and other additional documents regarding public procurement;
  • monitors the execution of the contractual provisions within the established deadlines;
  • prevents non-execution of contractual provisions in time;
  • in the case of non-execution by the parties of the contractual provisions, submit a request / note to the USM management with a description of the reasons for non-execution.


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