Contact information

65A M. Kogălniceanu St., block 3, MD-2009, Chisinau

Phone: +373 22 244 324, +373 67 319 913, +373 67 560 195




The faculty was founded in 1946, at the same time as the State University of Moldova. Its formation is associated to the names of famous scientists such as academician N. Dimo ​​and professors V. Andreev and I. Vul. Over the years, the faculty has trained over 6,000 young specialists, including ones from many other countries. One of the Faculty of Biology and Soil Science’s main priorities is the involvement of students in the research activity. As part of the study programs, mandatory and optional theoretical courses allow students to be trained in the scientific research carried out in the “Științe ale vieții” Research Center.

Of great worth to the faculty is the Museum of Natural Sciences, which includes the sections of Geology, Plant Sciences, Botany, and Zoology, that is holding an impressive number of exhibits from all over the world. Graduates have the opportunity to work in different fields of the national economy, in the divisions of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, in the research institutions of the Academy of Science of Moldova, in production facilities in the field of natural sciences, etc., but also as biology or geography teachers in undergraduate and university education institutions.

The Faculty of Biology and Pedology aims to train highly qualified specialists for undergraduate and university education, research, science, culture, social-economic activities, as well as to continuously perfect the graduates and specialists in the field, to develop a prestigious scientific and didactic school.

Dean: Vitalie SOCHIRCĂ, PhD Associate Professor

Vice Dean: Elena ENCIU, PhD


  • Biology and Ecology
  • Soil Sciences, Geography, Geology, Silviculture, and Design

Academic Programs

University studies

Bachelor’s degree studies (6 semesters):

Full time studies

0114.6 Biologie și 0114.7 Geografie 2023 – 2024

0114.6 Biologie (Științe ale Educației, 180 credite, studii cu frecvență) 2023-2024 2024-2025

0511.1 Biologie (Științe Biologice, 180 credite, studii cu frecvență) 2023-2024 2024-2025

0511.2 Biologie moleculara (180 credite, studii cu frecvență) 2023-2024 2024-2025

0521.1 Ecologie și protecția mediului (180 credite, studii cu frecvență, cu frecvență redusă) 2023-2024 2023-2024 FR 2024-2025

0821.1 Silvicultura și grădini publice (240 credite, studii cu frecvență, cu frecvență redusă) 2023-2024 2024-2025

0532.1 Geografie (180 credite, studii cu frecvență, cu frecvență redusă) 2023-2024 2024-2025

0731.5 Arhitectura peisajeră  (240 credite, studii cu frecvență) 2023-2024 2024-2025

Master’s degree studies (4 semesters):

Ştiinţe biologice aplicate (120 credite, studii cu frecvență) 2023-2024 2024-2025

Managementul mediului (120 credite, studii cu frecvență) 2023-2024 2024-2025

Design de landşaft şi spaţii verzi (120 credite, studii cu frecvență) 2023-2024 2024-2025

Biologia moleculară (120 credite, studii cu frecvență) 2023-2024 2024-2025

Academic calendar for part-time education

MS – master of science MP – professional master

Doctoral degree studies (6 semesters)

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